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Welcome to Game of Stones!

Entering the World

You enter the world as a defenseless man or woman.

This page will set you on your way in a world torn apart by the Breaking.

Your Inventory

This is where you keep your items.

In your inventory you can equip items, view their stats, sell them instantly for gold, or put them up for sale.


In duels you can steal gold, find weapons, and gain experience. Every character gains two duels per hour, up to a maximum of thirty.

To duel someone, go to their Bio page and click the link that says "Duel". Characters' Bio screens can be found from the Nearby page (read next item).

Characters Nearby

This page sorts (and provides links) to the Bios of all the characters in the same location as you.

Click on the images that head the stat columns to resort the list by different stats. Clicking on a character's name will bring you to their stat page where you can perform many actions including dueling, trading, and sending messages.


The Marketplace is where items are bought and sold.

If you are in a location with a Marketplace there will be a link on both the top bar and the Town map. In the market you can search for items that any other character has put up for sale in this area. Keep in mind that items can only be bought in the area where they are being sold.

Battle Skills

The Skills page allows you to switch around the skills you use during duels and to learn new skills every 5 levels. Beware - your choices now affect what skills you are offered later in the game.

Town Maps

This is how you travel around the world and interact with your current location.

Here you can use the arrows bordering the Town Map to scroll around, or use the arrows in the upper right to travel to new places. You can click on some buildings for further features.


Clans are the gathering places for people in Game of Stones. You can chat, coordinate attacks, and help each other out.

You can either select a clan to join from the World List or create your own. Some clans require an invitation or specific affiliation before you can join.